Present: 116 DRA member and/or residents of Doringkloof
The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting and thanked the NG Kerk for the use of their church hall for the AGM.
Feedback on Crime
Crime situation – The chairman presented the following graph and stated that crime had risen enormously in the last few weeks after remaining below 2 incidents a week:
In terms of types of crime there was a rise in robberies, burglaries and attempted burglaries, while theft of vehicles off the pavements was a concern. Intruders (wall jumpers) were again making their appearance, particularly during the early morning hours.
The following crime rates were presented:
- Since Start = 2.2
- Last 6 mths = 1.1
- Last 10 wks = 1.5
- Last 5 wks = 2.2
In concluding the crime report, the chairman again mentioned that it was every member’s obligation to be part of preventing crime.
Radios (Licences, use of radios) – The chairman made an appeal to all DRA members to pay their radio licences. Failure to do so could incur a fine. He also stressed that persons reporting a crime by telephone to someone with a radio lost valuable time and residents could not react timeously. This hampered effective crime prevention and gave criminals a chance to get away.
Finance – The chairman presented the budget for 2013/14
- Opening Balance R 144,243
- Income R 68,845
- Expenditure R 82,250
- Closing Balance R 130,838
Strategic Plan – The chairman explained that the DRA had conducted a review of its strategic plan and had restructured the DRA Committee into the following structure:
- Participation
- Crime Prevention
- Finance
- Radios
- Civic Affairs
Feedback on CCTV – Japie vd Westhuizen and Lawrence Meyer then presented the AGM with feedback on the CCTV project. In this regard the team had erected three “high sites” (relay stations) at Lazarus Motors, Palm Street and Aida flats. Cameras were set up at Glover/Palm (2), Koranna/Outeniqua (3), Oranje/Maroela (3), Zambezi (2), Glover (4) Thea (2) and Koranna (2). In addition five residents are now able to view what the cameras see. The cost to date was R62’000. Japie stated the advantages as experienced at present were: it provided an overview of neighbourhood movement, tracing movement, re-tracing incidents and providing incident recordings. The restrictions were seen as: funding, coverage, signage, participation, observers and monitor size. A visual presentation of actual scenes taken from the CCTV was then presented (Available on Youtube).
Nominations – The chairman presented the names of the outgoing committee members and thanked them for their work on the committee. He then presented the nominations for the 2014/15 DRA committee. These were Chris Angles*, Marcus Dekenah*, Thomas Ellis*, Frikkie Gous, Lawrence Meyer, Hannes Lategan, Francois Swanepoel*, Fritz van Rooyen, Quinton Visagie. (* = Previous DRA Committee).
The AGM unanimously accepted the nominations of all nine nominees.
Civic Affairs – Chris Angles, chairman of the Civic Affairs sub-committee presented the state of affairs regarding developments around Doringkloof. (A more comprehensive report will be available on the website shortly).
Questions from the floor – A time was allocated to questions from the floor. Most had to do with civic affairs and will be included in the report on the website. The AGM clearly were unhappy with the high rise developments taking place on the fringes of Doringkloof, in particular at the mushroom farm and at the corner of Leonie/Jean Ave. The latter evoked considerable discussion when residents voiced strong opposition to the proposed four story development to take place there. Residents also expressed disappointment that the City of Tshwane were not prepared to curb speed along Jean Ave by erecting traffic lights at the corner of Leonie and Jean Ave. The feeling was that the Metro did not really understand the problem nor heed the wishes of the residents.
Closure – The meeting ran over the allocated time and after thanking the residents for attending and their time, the meeting was closed at 20h35.
(M.E. Rutsch)
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