News Flash and Nuusflits

News Flash

The Doringkloof Residents Association (DRA) is holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 15 April 2015 in the NG Kerk hall, starting at 19:00 and is expected to finish by 20:30.


This is an important meeting as we need to discuss issues facing the community as well as the election of the 2015 DRA Committee.


If you would like to nominate someone to serve on the 2015 DRA Committee, please forward their name to before 14 April 2015, together with a note stating that the nominee accepts the nomination.


Nominations and acceptances can also be done at the AGM, provided that both persons are present.


Die Algemene Jaarvergadering van die Doringkloof Inwoners Vereniging (DIV) word op Woensdag, 15 April 2015 om 19:00 in die NG Kerk saal gehou.  Ons sal hopelik teen 20:30 klaar wees.


Die vergadering is veral belangrik omrede kwessies wat die Doringkloof-gemeenskap raak bespreek sal word, sowel as die verkiesing van die 2015 DIV Komitee.


Indien u iemand vir die 2015 DIV Komitee wil benoem, stuur aseblief u nominasie aan met ‘n aanvaardingsbrief (van die persoon genomineer) om ons voor 14 April 2015 te bereik.


Nominasies en aanvaardigings kan ook by die Jaarvergadering gedoen word op voorwaarde dat al twee persone teenwoordig is.