During the past week, 2 burglaries occurred, 2 vehicles were stolen and there was one theft from a vehicle. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to catch these types of criminals unless one is on the scene as it happens. The most effective prevention is by the residents taking adequate precautions themselves.
Crime Prevention 1.: We again appeal to residents to make sure that your property is secure and that you do not leave a vehicle unattended on the pavement. Finally, PLEASE do not leave valuables lying about in your vehicle for others to see.
Preventing Crime 2.: There is something we, as a community, can do to prevent these types of crime and that is to get involved in the regular visible patrols. You can get involved by contacting Dave at 084 659 6028 or Whatsapp/phone him at the same number or just send an email to to become a regular crime-buster. We cannot emphasis enough the need for visible patrolling. In fact, visible and regular patrolling is fast becoming the DNW’s major crime prevention activity. Unless we get as many people involved as possible we cannot chase the criminal element away.
Crime Prevention 3.: There were also 2 x drug deals reported taking place in our streets last week. It appears as if this is becoming an everyday occurrence too. Some say they do the drug deal in Doringkloof because we are a safe and quiet neighbourhood. Let us spoil their party – every time you observe a drug deal taking place in Doringkloof, report it over the radio, citing the type an\d colour of the vehicles involved and their registration numbers, particularly the sellers. We will then keep a record and pass this information on to the police who are specially deployed to fight drugs. (Note – do not interfere with the drug deal going on. To get a conviction you need conclusive proof and more than one witness. Moreover, as private citizens, we do not have the authority to pull a vehicle off the road. Remember, these guys know what they are doing – just observe and report).
If you wish to have you vehicle stolen, park it outside the Unitas Hospital grounds in Clifton Ave. The chances are high it will be taken. Statistics show that this is the prime spot for vehicle thieves to get what they want.
Street Captains: We are trying to re-launch the concept of street captains. By this we mean a resident who acts as the DNW’s contact in each street or even in a section of the street. What we would therefore like is for residents to volunteer to be a street captain.
All that is expected of you as a street captain is to meet the residents in your street (or section of the street), exchange details such as names, address, phone numbers and whether a member of the DNW. Then furthermore, getting these people onto a Whatsapp group, calling the group whatever pleases you. The idea is not to replace the radio but to pass non-crime related messages to each other so that you have a closer contact with your neighbours.
Simon has offered to drive this initiative and if you want to get involved in this exciting venture you can contact him at . He will give you a lot more information
Meter Readers: Each month, around about the 26th of the month, someone from the Metro will come round and read your meters. Most electricity meters are inside the property and you will have to allow him or her to come in to do so. Our advice is not to allow anyone that you do not know onto the property, especially if you are not at home and your employee is there on their own. We recommend that you read the meter yourself on the morning of the 26th of the month and give this to your employee, who can then pass it through the gate to the meter reader, when he comes around. Better still; email your readings to the CoT. Go to their webpage and find out how to do this.
Reporting Crime: Information at our disposal shows that crime is often reported to us but not to the SAPS. Sometimes the opposite also occurs, where the SAPS tell us of crime in our area that we are totally unaware of.
We appeal to all our residents to report all crime to us, either over the radio to the coordinator or via email to . At the same time you must report the crime to the SAPS. Unless they get their statistics up to date and correct, they cannot ask for more personnel or vehicles. By reporting crime to us and to SAPS, we help ourselves in preventing crime.
DNW Team
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