Week 7-13 November 2016
On Tuesday we had that hijacking in Bashee Ave. While none of us would like to be a victim of a hijacking, the owners were fortunate, due to the response of everyone including the SAPS, to recover their vehicle.
The experts say that most hijackings occur when either leaving home or coming home from work. To avoid being hijacking we recommend that as you approach your destination, check whether you are being followed, even at a distance. Then, before you turn into your gate, stop in the road in the direction of travel, look around again to see whether there is anyone hiding in the bushes near your gate or just hanging about nearby. Look also for a car that has suddenly appeared behind you. If you see any of these signs, hit your remote to close the gate and drive on and, if you do not have a radio with you (where you can call for help), drive to the nearest garage and wait there for someone to accompany you home.
On Thursday we had an attempted burglary, while later that night a vehicle was stolen out of someone’s yard. From these two incidents we can learn that the criminals are becoming more brazen as they jump wall/palisade fences and break open locks to get what they want. We also received a report that on Wednesday a bicycle was possibly stolen out of a garage. The resident surmised that the suspect jumped over the wall and walked into the unlocked garage to steal the bike and then went back over the wall. If your garage faces the road as most do, keep it closed and locked if you can, even if the car is not there.
To top off the week’s crime incidents, we had an intruder on a property in Glover Ave early on Monday morning. With the approach of the end-of-year holidays approaching we can be sure that crime will remain high.
We can only encourage our residents to be vigilant and, no matter what, if unsure, call it in on the radio. Let’s rather be safe than sorry!
DNW Team
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