Amendments to Mailing Lists


From time to time our mailing lists are revised and corrected. This is done to ensure that the lists reflect the correct recipients and that their addresses are correct. Issues such as regular involvement and participation, privacy, confidentiality and a “need to know” aspect also come into the picture to a lesser or greater extent, depending on the mailing list.


The recent revision exercise has resulted in some addresses being deleted and some being added. Please respect the decisions that have been made. If you happen to be particularly aggrieved by being removed from a specific list, please motivate your retention in an e-mail message to


All residents who have provided e-mail addresses are on a mailing list to receive the occasional DNW Weekly Bulletin. If you are aware of any resident who is not receiving this Bulletin, please obtain an e-mail address and provide it to
We have become increasingly aware that not all our members (or for that matter, all our residents) are aware of how crime prevention in Doringkloof is managed.
Since we started, we have had a Doringkloof Residents Association (DRA) committee, voted in every year at the Annual General Meeting.  This committee concerns itself with the overall crime prevention scene, (mainly the overall approach to crime prevention, budgeting and approval for the spending of funds on crime prevention, as well as deciding on major projects).  This committee also looks after civic matters affecting Doringkloof.
Under the DRA Committee is another group of volunteers who meet regularly as the Crime Prevention Committee.  This committee meets almost weekly and deliberates on the on-going crime scene affecting Doringkloof, and determines tactical plans on how we can curb crime.   Many of the plans may involve you as a resident, such as when we ask for people to participate in patrols, attend training, or just respond when a suspicious person is reported in your street.   For this reason we ask you to listen out on the radio, read the weekly bulletin and to pass on the information to your friends and neighbours. 
While on the subject, we must accept that we cannot all go our own way and will have to follow the decisions taken by the committees.  You cannot win a war when every soldier decides for himself how to fight the war.  

Here area few useful email addresses: – send any crime related incident to this email address so that we can include it in the crime prevention committee’s weekly deliberations. – send an email to this address if you have any suggestion to make in order to make the DNW more effective.
Note:  If you feel that you could make a valuable contribution to the DNW, why not put your name forward as a candidate for the DRA committee.  Look for the notices that will be coming out soon announcing the DRA AGM.   Otherwise, you could get involved in the crime prevention planned by the Crime Prevention Committee and so get known.   You can do so by contacting Paul Weber if you would like to get training in combatting crime (, Dave Allwright, if you  want to volunteer as a patroller (, Simon Jordan if you are willing to be a street captain (, Fritz van Rooyen if you would like to volunteer as a coordinator ( or just do as asked on the radio.
Just remember, any messages, incidents or suggestion made on Whatsapp or Zello cannot be considered as these are not official DNW channels.   Please use the email addresses supplied above to make your voice hear in the DNW,
Thank you for your cooperation
DNW Team