Good afternoon Friends
We have enjoyed wonderful rain this past week, what a treat. The frogs’ evening choir is amazing. I am not a frog person, but it would be interesting if someone could identify what frogs we have, as the chorus from the various types is lovely.
Friends of Doringkloof Spruit have been dealt a double whammy, as first Natalie Vos was transferred to Rietlvei and now Mike Corriea, who has been our stalwart all these years, has been transferred to Pretoria East! Mike, you have been our solid go-to man for as long as Friends of Doringkloof Spruit has been in existence. Thank you so very much for always being ready to help us and willing to go the extra mile. We will really miss you, you have left big shoes to fill! We trust you will enjoy the change and the new area.
I will be meeting the “new guy” soon and we wish him well too.
We note with great concern the state of the Spruit, the parks and pavements in Doringkloof. I have spoken to Councillor Gert Visser about it. He is fully aware of the situation and is doing his best to help us. It is a political issue and the mayor has now spoken with the various contractors and service providers and hopefully, things will start improving soon. Attached please see his media statement. But as a result, our Spruit has not been mown in a while and no cutting of grass on the bridges and in the pedestrian gates has happened. Mike is hopeful that he will at least get some tractors in the Spruit soon.
This is a nature area and part of the City of Tshwane Nature Conservation area, so everything that gets done in the Spruit is in agreement with Nature Conservation policies. We may not do what we like, only what we are permitted by Nature Conservation to do.
The committee is thus appealing to the Friends and community to please join us next Saturday, February 6th from 8h00 – 10h00 (weather permitting) for a work party in the Spruit.
The main areas of work will be:
- Litter collection
- Cutting alien trees and moving them to the side of the Spruit (chain saws needed, helpers to move the cuttings, paint with herbicide)
- Brush cutting along the bridges, at the pedestrian gates, benches and information boards (petrol brush cutters needed)
Please contact me and let me know in which area you can assist so I can organise work teams. We need plenty of helpers to make a difference.
I really do appreciate the many people who have given so many hours all these years in helping maintain a beautiful nature area.
I look forward to seeing many of you next Saturday morning.
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards
Penny Dekenah
083 727 1024
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