Dear Doringkloof Residents,

As promised, here is some feedback regarding issues that affect us as a neighbourhood watch.


The Crime Prevention Committee has pleasure in announcing that the “DNW” has been provisionally affiliated to the Community Police Sub-Forum 2 (CPSF2) that serves the police precinct into which Doringkloof falls.  The provisional affiliation was finalised after many hours of negotiations and all obstacles that initially checked our affiliation have now been resolved.

Please note that the affiliation is only provisional.  The reason for this is that the “DNW” is still part of the DRA.   The DRA as such encompasses more than just a neighbourhood watch and could therefore not reasonably affiliate with the CPSF2.   Once the DNW has its own approved constitution full affiliation will be granted.  (See below).

For those who are interested; the main advantage to the DNW affiliating is that we now have representation on the CPSF2 and become part of the forum.  We also will have formal communication with all the other neighbourhood watches that are part of the CPSF2, while specific training will be available to our members through the CPSF2.  Naturally, closer cooperation with the SAPS is also on the cards.

Furthermore, the Crime Prevention Committee also decided at its July 2018 meeting to rename the Crime Prevention Committee as the ‘DNW Committee’.  This will be an interim measure until such time as the proposed DNW Constitution has been accepted and approved by the residents.


A team of three DNW Committee members has been busy drafting a constitution, largely based on a previous, recently drafted version as well as the new code of conduct.  This proposed constitution was then placed side by side with the CPSF 2 constitution and compared to ensure the relevance of our proposed constitution.

At the same time, a cooperative agreement has been drafted that will serve as a guide as to how the DNW and the civic affairs part of the DRA will cooperate in the future.  It is envisaged that there will be areas of possible overlap.   An example is street lights, where the DNW’s concern is for security while it is the civic affairs responsibility to deal with the City of Tshwane to have them repaired.

The time line for the finalisation and subsequent Special General Meeting to approve the new constitution is sometime in September 2018.  Please take note that the constitution will be one that is ‘by the Doringkloof residents’, ‘for the Doringkloof residents’ and not for any special group.  In other words, the aim is to make it our constitution.

DNW Team