Approval was given during the last Annual General Meeting for a new DNW constitution to be drafted and submitted to the Doringkloof residents for their approval .

In brief – the reason for a separate DNW constitution was to allow the DNW to affiliate to the SAPS Sector 2 CPSF.  At the same time it naturally became necessary to update the DRA Constitution.

The two constitutions and a cooperative agreement between the two entities have now been finalised and as promised –and a Special General Meeting (under the current DRA Constitution) will be held on 21 November 2019 at 18:30 in the Doornkloof Family Church in Leonie Street.  Please diarize this date now.



The following steps are planned to allow residents to know what they will be asked to vote on at the SGM:

  1. The proposed DNW and DRA constitutions and the cooperative agreement have been made available on the Doringkloof website at https://doringkloof.net/downloads/ . You are urged to read or even download the documents so that you may be clear as to what each constitution says.   Time constraints may not allow the full contents of each constitution to be presented during the SGM.
  2. Having read the proposed constitutions, residents may make submissions regarding any amendment, deletion or addition to the constitutions they feel necessary between today and 9 November 2018. Comments on the proposed DRA Constitution must be sent to dra@doringkloof.net while those concerning the proposed DNW Constitution must be submitted to dnw@doringkloof.net.

On 16 November 2018, the final versions will be placed on the Doringkloof website.  These will be the versions submitted for approval at the SGM.



During the SGM a new and representative DNW committee will be voted in.  We are therefore inviting residents to submit their nominations.  The DNW is embarking on a new exciting path and the DNW is looking for residents with drive to fill the various portfolios on the committee.  If you are not willing to serve yourself, why not nominate someone who is willing!   It is our believed that there are many residents who are capable of serving on the committee and we ask them to come forward.  Nomination forms are available at https://doringkloof.net/downloads/ .  Completed nominations should then be submitted to the interim chairman of the DNW Committee at dnw@doringkloof.net before 14 November 2018.

At the same time, please note that the current DRA committee will remain in office until the DRA’s next AGM. 


We would like to urge all residents to PLEASE attend the SGM as your approval is required for both the DRA and the DNW to move forward. 

See you all at the Doornkloof Family Church in Leonie St at 18:30 on 21 November 2018.


DNW Team