Dear DNW Radio Owner
Your ICASA Radio License fee was due on 1 Jan 2022. According to our register, your R50.00 per radio payment for the license is outstanding. We request your immediate payment as you are in violation of Article No. 36 of 2005 of the Electronic Communications Act.
Should you feel like not paying for the DNW for your license fee, we request that you bring your radio in for de-programming. Failing this we will be forced to inform ICASA that you are illegally operating on a licensed radiofrequency.
We have two convenient ways to pay your License Fees:
Option 1
Cash payments will be received at the New Fatima Café in Sonja Street. They will also issue you a receipt.
Option 2
Electronic Payment (EFT)
Account Name: Doringkloof Neighbourhood Watch
Bank: ABSA, Centurion.
Account: Savings
Branch Code: 63 04 45.
Account Number: 918 247 7823
Radio licenses: “Radio”, followed by the first three characters of your street name and three characters for the street number.
Radio SON056
Radio KOR112
Radio MAL003
Donations: “Donate”, followed by the first three characters of your street name and three characters for the street number.
Donate SON056
Donate KOR112
Donate MAL003
You can contact Gerhard Prinsloo at 0721572479 in this regard.
DNW Committee
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