Good afternoon Friends
World Wetlands month has certainly made itself known lately with all this incredible rain.
I was sorry to cancel the work party on Saturday morning, as in the end it actually stopped raining and it was beautiful. But we made up for it on Sunday afternoon with a joint session with the Neighbourhood Watch. We cut the alien vegetation in the storm drain in the field below Woolworths. When the chainsaw finally broke, Brett and Marcus continued with hand saws! It was a dense thicket of privets, mulberries, and bugweed.
Many thanks to our helpers Margie, Martin, Keehan, Marcus, and Brett for a huge job done! We uncovered two beautiful, huge Combretum trees, and cleared up a dark patch that had the remnants from burglaries – old wallet, motor gate bracket, etc. So, it was a worthwhile exercise. See the attached collage, but better still, go and have a look!
The tractor is cutting in the fields again this week. I see the area from Botha Avenue to Jasper bridge has now been cut.
I have also attached Jared Beukes’ updated bird list for the Doringkloof Spruit. He has very kindly agreed to coordinate the bird list on behalf of FoDS. There have already been some additions to it. Please contact him if you can add to the list or would like to assist him in any way. Maybe it’s time for a Birders’ WhatsApp group so like-minded people can share sightings and photos. He can be contacted on
On that note, we have a WhatsApp group for FoDS info and activities. Please let me know if you want to be added to the group.
We would love some new people to join our committee to help steer the Friends group and to help with the physical work.
Please let me know if you can assist or have suggestions.
Have a wonderful week, and we look forward to meeting up and our FoDS activities.
Kind regards
Ps: please remember to renew your subs so that you stay on our mailing list and get your new Friends card!
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