Additional questions received after the AGM,
Questions to be answered at the AGM Q&A session (Refer to Item 12.h.viii of the DNW Constitution).
- During their term of office, did all the committee members and the Committee as a whole, comply with all the requirements of the DNW Constitution and practice proper due diligence? If not, please provide details of whatever was not complied with, who was responsible/accountable and what corrective actions were taken.
As far as we are concerned, they did practice due diligence and kept the best interest of Doringkloof at heart.
Item 11.h of the DNW Constitution states that the minutes of committee meetings must be posted on the website within one week of a meeting. For what reasons has this not been done ?
We did not post the minutes on the website as it was never done in the past 14 years. We are planning to pass a resolution to this effect in the coming year. We would rather have a situation where specific people ask specific questions to the DNW. As you are well aware that sometimes sensitive information is discussed and for that reason, it will never be a good thing to publish it on an open forum such as a webpage.
The Provisional 2021 DNW Committee, as elected at the previous AGM, consisted of 13 members. For what reasons is the Committee now down to only 6 members ? When changes to the structure or the number of committee members occur, surely the community must be advised ? Why was this not done ?
Not true there are nine nominations for this year’s committee and according to the constitution, a minimum of six is required.
The Constitution of Lyttelton Community Policing Sub-forum 2 has changed.
- To what extent do the changes affect the DNW ?
- What is the current status of the DNW/CPSF2 Affiliation Agreement ?
- Will DNW members be provided with some form of public participation regarding any envisaged changes to the Affiliation Agreement ?
The CPSF constitution, as well as the affiliation agreement, is currently with our legal advisor and upon the advice given, we will act accordingly.
Having purchased a ZOOM licence at R3.000, did the DNW Committee hold the minimum of nine ordinary committee meetings as stipulated in Item 11.g of the Constitution. If not, why not ?
The need to purchase a Zoom license arose as a direct result of the Covid restrictions and to keep members safe. This facility was not only used by the committee but training, as well as sub meetings, were held by this means. This facility will be made available on request to whoever needs it for the Doringkloof business.
As far as the number of meetings is concerned a total of seven meetings took place. As said earlier this was not a usual year with covid and riots. Lots of communication also took place and the various platforms to keep everyone updated.
In the past, Festive Season Safety Plans involving multiple community high visibility patrols were implemented. Last year no such plans were implemented. What was the reason for this and is it intended to reintroduce them this year?
When the assessment was made in December it was deemed to be a very quiet crime-wise, therefore the plan was to move out to January when a Mass patrol was held. Apart from the mass patrol normal and increased patrolling went on throughout the period.
The emailed “Reminder of the Lyttelton Community Police Sub Forum 2 AGM” states that “DNW committee is sending representatives, who will certainly report back to our community”. The meeting was held in mid-March. When will the community receive the promised report back?
We will inform the community about the changes in the CPSF’s constitution as soon as we receive advice from our legal advisor on the impact on Doringkloof.
Regarding the Doringkloof Neighbourhood Watch (DNW) Code of Conduct (as contained in the DNW Constitution) can you please explain the processes (exact sequence of events) that take place when a breach of the Code of Conduct is deemed to have taken place.
I’m especially concerned about the procedures that lead to the “investigation”, whether the member is involved in the “investigation” and what criteria are applied to warrant either a reprimand, suspension, or expulsion.
Are the “five experienced DNW members” (contained in the constitution) the DNW Committee members that conduct the Investigation?
This is always a very serious matter and one that is not taken lightly. The sequence is as follows:
The matter is brought to the committee which then asked the accused party for their views and evidence on the matter. This will be discussed in the committee. One of two things can then happen if by unanimous vote the transgression is to be so serious and after consultation with our legal advisor the person affected will be expelled. If on the other hand there is doubt a formal hearing will be held. As the committee is tasked to look after the DNW’s affairs they will form part of the hearing and whoever they think will contribute could be invited to join.
An extract of the constitution:
“The DNW Committee may in their absolute discretion terminate the membership of any member provided that ten days notice is given to the member of the DNW Committee’s intentions and that such notice contains full reasons for the DNW Committee’s intended action. Any written reply shall be considered by the DNW Committee and feedback provided to the member in question.”
This now concludes the questions that did not make it to the AGM. Please note the constitution is available on the website at
Thank you
DNW Team
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