1,  On 2 February there was an attempted robbery in Maluti Ave.  However, what is of note was that the criminals simply lifted the gate off the rail and thereby gained entry to the property.   Please make sure that when your gate is closed, it cannot be lifted off the rail and is locked closed.  If you can lift it and move the gate itself, then call in someone to fix it.
2.    On 5 February a burglary took place at Protea Flats.  No further details.  We ask all residents that if they are the victim of a crime within Doringkloof, to please report it to the police and to also send a report with as much detail as possible to  The DNW uses the information to plan counter-crime measures.  By sending your report we make Doringkloof as safer place.  (Note – a leading property agent recently wrote in the media that property values declined in suburbs with a high crime rate.  By reporting you help us to secure Doringkloof and thereby to keep the value of your property.)
3.    On 6 February an attempted robbery took place in Seder Ave.  Again the robbers lifted the gate off the rail (see above).   Unfortunately, someone was at home.  Her screams fortunately frightened the criminals and they fled.
There are many ways of fighting crime, but there is only one way to stop it – we all need to get involved.  The Doringkloof Neighbourhood Watch was established to do just that.   But we are not a private police force that will come rushing to a resident’s aid.  The DNW is simply residents who said to each other – enough is enough!  And so we joined hands together and made a stand.  This approach remains, we all need to be part of it.  So please, do not just report a crime and then drive off.  Be part of the solution!
As a neighbourhood watch we too decided that the radio would be our means of communication in fighting crime.  Sending a Whatsapp or using Zello leaves out those who could possibly come to your assistance and even save your life.  Don’t take that chance.  If you do not have a radio, get one from  the New Fatima Cafe in Sonja St.  If you have one, urge your neighbours to get one if they do not have a radio yet!